Danielle Klein

Ethan Bailey

Nick Penn

Caitlyn Gampp

Lauren Sheil

Mackenzie Kane

Marissa Miller

Abigail Harder

Molly Kletzly

Monica Kizis

Samantha Taylor

Katie Jackson

Carly Rossiter

Jaelyn Bowman

Students from the Global Leadership Center at Ohio University spent several weeks in Cambodia in May 2019 and worked with college students and organizations in Phnom Penh to complete a project and sharpen their skills as global communicators. Recent OHIO grads Hannah Wintucky and Lyda Ngin have taken this trip before, and helped the Bobcats with their projects. E.W. Scripps School of Journalism Director Bob Stewart kept the days packed while enthusiastically sharing his favorite parts of The Kingdom. As you will hear from the GLC Cats below, this trip was transformative in a variety of ways. The students attended several cultural events, visited genocide memorials, and explored the temples in the Angkor Wat complex.